C.G. Boerner is an art dealership that has focused on prints and drawings of the finest quality since it was founded in Leipzig in 1826. With offices today in Düsseldorf and New York, we work with museums and private collectors worldwide. While our reputation is chiefly based on our specialist knowledge of such old masters as Schongauer, Dürer, and Rembrandt as well as of the prints and drawing by the German Romantics, we also deal in prints by other important European artists, among them Mantegna, Burgkmair, Piranesi, Goya, and Degas.
Harris Schrank specializes in exceptional examples of fine “pre-contemporary” printmaking, including both old and modern European masters, and early 20th Century American printmakers.
Albrecht Dürer: Knight, Death and Devil

Martin Lewis: Shadows, Garage at Night
Exhibiting Artists